scerr1:Line too long in script - truncating. scerr2:Command '%s' not known. scerr3:Expected an argument for this command. scerr4:The first argument '%s' is of the wrong type for this command. scerr5:Bit number is out of range. scerr6:Object '%s' is not a text object. scerr7:Object '%s' is not an event spot. scerr8:Object '%s' is not saved as an event. scerr9:Overview entry number out of range. scerr10:Object '%s' is not a hotspot. scerr11:Object '%s' is not already saved as an event or to the timer. scerr12:Object link name '%s' is too long. scerr13:Movie handle is already in use. scerr14:Movie file '%s' could not be found. scerr15:Movie handle is closed. scerr16:Expected a string argument but found '%s'. scerr17:Comparison operator '%s' not known. scerr18:Operator '%s' does not work with strings. scerr19:Operator '%s' does not work with floating point numbers. scerr20:Movie handle is out of range. scerr21:Variable '%s' is a write-only system variable. scerr22:Variable '%s' is a read-only system variable. scerr23:Variable has no identifier. scerr24:Variable identifier '%s' contains non-alphabetic characters. scerr25:Variable identifier '%s' is too long. scerr26:Variable '%s' is not defined. scerr27:Cannot define variable '%s' - Key Author is out of memory. scerr28:'else' cannot be matched with 'if'. scerr29:'endif' cannot be matched with 'if'. scerr30:Too many nested ifs. scerr31:Object '%s' could not be found on the page. scerr32:Page '%s' could not be found on the overview. scerr33:The operator '%s' does not work with strings. scerr34:The operator '%s' does not work with integers. scerr35:Left-hand side parameter to operator is missing/invalid. scerr36:Object must be either a Tween or Replay movie. scerr37:This command expects either a script movie handle or an object name. scerr38:Expected an argument but found '%s'. scerr39:Error in script '%s', line %d; %s scerr40:String value '%s' doesn't start with a double quote. scerr41:Conditional value '%s' doesn't start with a '('. scerr42:Value '%s' contains illegal characters. scerr43:Another integer argument expected for this command. scerr44:Expected an integer argument but found '%s'. scerr45:Another floating point argument expected for this command. scerr46:Expected a floating point argument but found '%s'. scerr47:Another string argument expected for this command. scerr49:Attempt to clear user variable has failed - memory is corrupted. scerr50a:Movie filename is too long. scerr50:Database is not open. scerr51:Database field number out of range. scerr52:Database record number out of range. scerr53:Unable to get data for %s field type. scerr54:Colour component value out of range. scerr55:Cannot set this attribute for the object '%s'. scerr56:Field is of a type (%s) which cannot be plotted on a distribution map. scerr57:Field is of a type (%s) on which statistics cannot be calculated. scerr58:Key Plus Distribution Map division index out of range. scerr59:Field is of a non numeric type (%s). kderr1:The division boundaries are not monotonically increasing. kdwarn:WARNING- Some of the division boundaries are not integer values - rounding up will be used. fldtype0:Byte fldtype1:Integer fldtype2:Float fldtype3:Formula fldtype4:Date fldtype5:String fldtype6:Logical fldtype7:Token fldtype8:Graphic fldtype9:Free Text fldtype10:Nominal fldtype11:Video fldtype12:Map Ref fldtype13:Screen Coord fldtype14:Relational scerr60:Database filename is too long. scerr61:Could not find database '%s'. scerr62:Attempt to close resource-based database with 'closedata' command. scerr63:Field name '%s' is not known. scerr64:This command expects either a field name or field number. scerr65:Could not allocate memory to extract database data as a string. error137:Warning, the program was unable to save the status. The extras directory may have been deleted, its access privileges changed or the disc removed error138:Unable to load status file - could not allocate memory. error142:Attempt to load a file which is not a Key Author status file. hnderr1:Handler reference '%s' is too long. hnderr2:Handler type '%s' unknown. hnderr3:Handler reference '%s' is not unique. hnderr4:Handler with reference '%s' not defined. hnderr5:Could not allocate memory for new handler. hnderr6:Object name '%s' is too long. hnderr7:'endhandler' could not be matched with 'defhandler'. hnderr8:Nested 'defhandler' statement. hnderr9:Missing 'endhandler' statement. hnderr10:Cannot use 'delhandler' command inside 'defhandler' ... 'endhandler' code. hnderr11:Cannot use 'handler' command inside 'defhandler' ... 'endhandler' code. hnderr12:Filter name too long. wngerr1:Attempt to allocate more than the maximum number of screen buffers. wngerr2:Attempt to deallocate screen buffers which are in use. wngerr3:Attempt to use a screen buffer which has not been allocated. wngerr4:Screen buffer index out of range. wngerr5:Not enough memory to create screen buffer device context. wngerr6:Not enough memory to create screen buffer bitmap. trnerr1:Transition type '%s' not known. trnerr2:Transition pointless - DisplayBuff% == UpdateBuff%. trnerr3:Cannot carry out transition - DisplayBuff% == -1. trnerr4:Cannot carry out transition - UpdateBuff% == -1. trnerr5:Transition reference '%s' is too long. trnerr6:Empty transition reference not allowed. wblerr1:Expected a link type but found '%s'. wblerr2:Could not find HTML file '%s'. wblerr3:Could not launch web browser - system is out of memory or resources. wblerr4:Could not launch web browser - executable is invalid. wblerr5:Could not launch web browser - executable could not be found. wblerr6:Could not launch web browser - path to executable could not be found. mserr1:Pointer shape '%s' is unknown. mserr2:Could not load pointer shape '%s'. asherr1:Field name '%s' too long. asherr2:Memory for filter could not be allocated. asherr3:Filter operation '%s' not known. asherr4:Filter comparison '%s' not known. asherr5:Filter test arguments are not consistent. asherr6:Search Preprocess- Field name '%s' not known. asherr7:Search Preprocess- Field '%s' is of type Byte - integer argument expected. asherr8:Search Preprocess- Field '%s' is of type Integer - integer argument expected. asherr9:Search Preprocess- Field '%s' is of type Float - float argument expected. asherr10:Search Preprocess- Field '%s' is of type Date - string argument expected. asherr11:Search Preprocess- Field '%s' is of type Token/Nominal - string argument expected. asherr12:Search Preprocess- Field '%s' is of type Logical - string argument expected. asherr13:Search Preprocess- Value '%s' is not a recognised value for this logical field. asherr14:Use of 'applyfilters' command on selected records is not currently supported - set UseSelection% to FALSE%. asherr15:Applyfilters command aborted - An error occurred. asherr16:Filter reference name '%s' is too long. asherr17:Filter reference name '%s' is not unique. asherr18:Search Preprocess- Field '%s' is of type Map Reference - string argument expected. asherr19:Search Preprocess- Map Reference '%s' is invalid. asherr20:Filter reference name '%s' not known. daterr1:This date is invalid. generr1:Could not find graphic '%s' in Key Plus GRAPHICS file. generr2:Error during token search. generr3:Could not allocate memory to save item. generr4:Unable to open file '%s'. generr5:Could not allocate memory for file '%s'. generr6:Error reading file '%s'. generr7:Maximum number of resources exceeded. generr8:Could not allocate memory to store notepad page. skperr1:Could not allocate memory for selection. maperr1:Could not allocate memory for map coordinates. maperr2:The database does not contain lat/long information. maperr3:Object '%s' is not a Key Plane map. maperr4:Could not read Lat/Long data from database. maperr5:Maximum number of map coordinate sets already in use. maperr6:Object '%s' is not a Drawfile. drgerr1:Attempt to set 'DragObject$' to a string which is not empty. prterr1:Printing this object (%s) is not supported.